The Blog Was Busy Today
Good grief. Advice: If you want a bunch of people to visit your blog in one day, write about a bunch of movies and include a bunch of actors' names. I usually have about 15-20 people visit per day. Today I had 42. 26 of those 42 people clicked on something that took them directly to my movie post from yesterday. The google search terms that brought people to my page were: Gerard Butler (3 people), Helen Mirren (2 people), movies blogspot, James Marsden, Melora Hardin, and Hilary Swank. These all baffle me, but especially the Gerard Butler one with three people. I googled him and went through all 87 pages of results and didn't even see my page. I have no idea how that happened. The coolest thing though is where these people are coming from. That little map over on the left side of the page somehow catches SOME of the people who come on here, but another thing I uses catches everyone. This was the map for today:Zoomed in to Europe:
Zoomed in to the United States (I seem to be popular in Southern California):
And here is the list of cities for the day (At the top of the list were 7 people from Little Rock.):
Absolutely crazy! Now granted most of them only stayed on the page for less than a minute because my movie review wasn't exactly what they wanted to read, it's still fun to see that all those people came to my page today.
FYI: I'm completely addicted to checking these pages about my blog visitors. I check them multiple times each day. It lists search terms used to find my page, where they clicked to get to my page, pages within the blog visited, countries the people come from, etc. It's super fun. The one I've using for a while is BlogPatrol but I recently added GetClicky and it's the one with the google maps like I used above. I can't stop!
Posted in: blog visitors, craziness on Saturday, January 05, 2008 at at 12:11 AM
I have Gerard Butler listed with Google as an 'Alert'. So everytime his name is on the web somewhere, Google notifies me via email. That may be why you had so many visitors come to your site. You and your readers might also want to check out
This is Gerry's main fan site and it a fun place to hang out.