Funny Things 81-100
Now that I've shown you just about all of my funny signs, I'm now going to move on to just funny THINGS. (There may still be a few funny signs stuck in there.)
This is one of my favorite things I've ever caught on camera. It was in Aledo, TX, where I taught for two years. It was kind of the country, if you can't tell.
I got this from one of my students. I didn't want to keep it because it was very messy, but I had to get a picture. "This is your heart made out of pencil shavings."
The crazy guy that lived across the street from my old school. The sign in his yard kind of hides it, but he's washing his pretty big dog in a pretty small bucket.
I'm so upset this came out so dark because it's about the best thing I've ever seen. It was a cowboy monkey riding a dog. He even herded sheep.
This may be the longest "hallway to a bathroom in an ice cream store" ever. I like the cow at the end.
DFW Airport. This non-opening window over an escalator that goes down below this window should not be used as an exit.
Ah. Good ol' Captain Sewer. We had to watch this video last summer for inservice the same day we had to go to the Sewage Treatment Plant. It was a good day for everyone. Captain Sewer made it worth it.
Posted in: bumper stickers, funny things, license plates on Sunday, August 05, 2007 at at 10:02 PM
I love it. I guess the key is to keep your camera handy. I'm so impressed with your collection! What an eye...