Funny Things 121-140
These are getting worse, I know. I'm running out. But some of these are still pretty funny, including a few I just saw in the past few days.
At a horrible inservice I had to go to last year. This lady had the longest pointer I've ever seen. It was really hard to get this picture.
On the way to Fort Worth once I saw a billboard on fire. A billboard! On fire! This was what was left of it the next time I drove by.
I proudly offer this picture. It's my "couch" after I got rid of my couch right before I got married. I had to sit on something!
This was super hard to get a picture of. Actually my brother got it. Check out the shirt/sock combo.
This is what it looks like when your apartment complex is using the actual building to decide what new color to choose for the complex.
Posted in: funny things on Tuesday, August 07, 2007 at at 9:22 PM
A. I need that blueberry picture. FB me.
B. Hehehe.
C. What are the old people doing in that truck?