First Field Trip

On Thursday we went on our first field trip... to the zoo! Candice had invited us to go with her and the girls, as I had to go back to work this week and needed things to do. So Jake got all dressed up for the zoo...

...with a giraffe on his top...

...and his bottom.

He also had a zebra on his pacifier...

...ducks on his socks...

...and an elephant and turtle on his car seat.

Despite the dark clouds in the sky on the way to work that morning (had to fit this picture in here somehow)...

...we were ready to go!

Shortly after we go to the zoo, the sky cleared and it was beautiful, although hot! (Also had to fit this picture in.)

So Jake enjoyed the monkeys...

... and the bird show (which his Mama hated)...

...and rhinos...

...and elephants.

He also enjoyed the lions...

...and tigers...

...and bears. (Oh my!)

We also visited the giraffes since he had them all over.

Yay! Giraffes!

Alyssa Kate and D also had a good time.

They get along really well for being 2 1/2 years apart in age.


  1. You are awesome!!! 3 kids!?!? I'm totally impressed. I love your pics of Jake. That could be a story book. He is such a cutie doll.