Field Trip

Today D and I had to pick up C and take him to meet his mom at the doctor. We had to stay in the area, so we went across the freeway to the Arkansas Capitol Building!

Isn't it pretty?

The view looking up from the bottom.

Looking over the ledge from the second floor.

A Texas flag! In the Arkansas Capitol!

We kept heading up. To upstairs. Which is apparently two words now.

Looking down at one end of the Capitol Building toward the House wing.

Looking up in the same place as the picture above.

Looking down to the bottom floor from the fourth floor: as high as we could go.

Back at the first floor, we went in the Governor's Reception Room.
Remember this guy? He tried to be president.

The view of the beauty that is Arkansas fall out the window of the Reception Room.

With the flag he got from the visitor's desk.

Some lady asked if she wanted her to take a picture of both of us. This is what she took. Thanks for getting the Capitol in the shot, lady.

Little boy and a giant tree.

This weird eagle statue outside the Capitol whose
poor wing has a huge rock at the end of it.

The statues honoring The Little Rock Nine.

The statues with the Capitol in the background.

On the way out, we passed a big circle thing with
the names of all of the counties engraved.
I found mine!