Remember the time in February 2007 (that would be a whole year ago) that all of the Peter Pan peanut butter was recalled and subsequently removed from all grocery store shelves? That was a sad sad day. I have always only eaten Peter Pan peanut butter and in the last many years loved the Honey Roast Peanut Butter that Peter Pan made. They mix honey in with the peanut butter! Completely delicious.
When the recall occurred, I had to suffer through 6 months of Jif (blech). I was excited when, in August, the Peter Pan jars began to return to my local grocer's shelves. Finally the Jif could end! However, I still missed the Honey Roast. Over the past 6 months, any time I went to any grocery store, I'd stop by the peanut butter aisle to see if it was there. Alas, it was a no.
Until last night. I was in Wal-Mart, not even needing peanut butter, but checking nonetheless. And I saw the most wonderful thing on the shelf! You guessed it! Peter Pan Honey Roast Peanut Butter! Although I prefer the crunchy variety, which they haven't stocked yet, I could not leave without buying some!If you've never tried it, I obviously highly recommend it. Go to the store and get some! Now!
Posted in: food on Thursday, February 07, 2008 at at 10:35 PM
Yesssss! Ranch Style Beans in the background! Good eat'n!
a simple pleasures Mighty Favog