At a wedding we went to this summer
Our district's high school football team went to the state championships and won. We were there.
Celebrating Christmas by him sitting on my lap
Jack got a really big bone for Christmas and finished it in less than a month. He rules.
With our niece, Alyssa Kate, who is now a year old! (She was 10 months in this picture)
Posted in:
Saturday, February 03, 2007
10:07 PM
Ashley-- thanks for the comments! It was so good to hear from you...I'm planning on emailing you soon to catch up. You're looking great & happy! I was thinking of you the other day...remember how we used to tape Friends (me) & ER (you) while we were at exec? I was watching ER last week and laughing about good to see photos of you! -Kat
Hey, I just realized you had a blog today!! I will have to keep an eye on it for a new post!! You and your husband look very happy!! Your dog is a cutie!! When are you thinking abuot having kids?
OK, it's time for some new posts!!!
yep, you REALLY need to update this blog. Forget lame-o myspace!
wow. I'm glad you update this thing. --Kathy