Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Last Quarter... and ER

I've been planning this post for a while, and could have actually posted it back in February, I think, when it actually happened. It was on the list of things I needed to post about all at one time, but never did. So here it is now.

My brother and I both got one of these books from my mom back in my senior year of high school... 1999. (Although he somehow managed to nearly destroy his, mine is still in surprisingly good condition having been moved to 6 different living locations since then.) We were both excited to keep up with the state quarters. 2008 seemed so far away and I thought it would take forever to fill this book. It was and it did.

6ack in January, I had only one space left to fill in the book, as the Hawaii quarter came out at the end of 2008. I couldn't find it anywhere. I somehow got in the conversation about it with the boys and one day C found the long searched for Hawaii quarter on the playground at school and gave it to me when he got in the car that afternoon.

Today I remembered I had never put it in there as it was still sitting in my purse. I pulled it out tonight and shoved it into its designated hole in the book.

So beautiful and also a little sad. I've been committed to this book for 10 years now and it's finally full. It looks good.

On that same note and yet completely unrelated, don't even get me started on the sadness I'm feeling for the end of ER. I've been watching that show since EIGHTH GRADE! Fourteen years now! I grew pretty exhausted of it a few years ago, but it's really gotten pretty good again for the past couple of years. I teared up a little bit last week as they showed the preview for the finale this Thursday. It should be good and more tears are to be expected.
Back when ER had its 300th episode in 2007, I wrote a horrible Ode To ER. You can see it here if you want. I'm warning you. It's pretty bad.
Thanks for treating me well, ER. I don't know what I'll do next Thursday when you're not there! Yes I do. I'll probably watch something else I TiVo'd earlier in the night. But I'll still miss you.

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