Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pictures From The Last Two Weeks

These are some of my favorite pictures from the past two weeks. To see more, you can look at my two albums on Facebook: Jake's First Week Or So and Just Jake. I'm now all caught up so I can just post about his awesomeness as it happens.

Snoozing after we got home from the hospital.

Chillin' with dad.

Not so thrilled about his first bath at home.

One of my very favorites.

Montgomery Burns?

Yeah, he can hold his own pacifier in!

This was just funny holding up his three fingers.

Asleep after a trip out.

Having a mother-son chat. He looks very interested.

Hanging out with Uncle Josh.

Funny guy!

My family with the Jakemeister.

Grinnin' in his sleep.

Rockin' the khakis.

He sleeps best in his car seat. Go figure.

Taking a nap on Aunt Candice.

Happy about the khakis again.

He's smiling a lot more now.

Mama said knock you out.

Jack likes to sniff Jake. Always.

"Again with the camera?"
I laugh every time he makes this confused face, and it happens all of the time.


  1. It doesn't get any sweeter than that! He's one handsome little man. You are one awesome mom.

  2. He is so cute! I think he favors Alyssa Kate a little. Too much fun! How are you doing?

  3. Oh my gosh!!! So many great moments!?!?! He is absolutely beautiful. I think I see both parents equally at this point. I love the MB reference and the khaki rockin'. I gotta run Leelah is flippin' out- too many car rides today!

  4. Great pictures of his little life so far. I agree with you on the khakis. Looks like a little man wearing them. So cute!
