A Year Ago Yesterday
I meant to post this yesterday. Obviously. But I didn't. So here it is today. A year ago yesterday we found out a baby was on its way! After work I made a very quick run to Barnes and Noble to get Jon a daddy book to tell him, to the mall to get a cookie cake to tell his family at dinner that night (which ended up being the next night), had my tire explode on the freeway, and headed home to break the news.And look what we have now. Pretty much the greatest baby ever born. These were from my first attempt at taking Jake's three month pictures (a few weeks late) yesterday. It was way too hot and bright, so he wasn't having it. It's SLIGHTLY cooler today and cloudy, so we're going to try again in a little while. Wish me luck!
ok, when i first saw the pic and didn't read anything i thought you were pregnant again and i almost flipped out!!!!