Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Tree!

I FINALLY got the Christmas tree up on Monday. Because the icy weather was starting on Monday afternoon, the family I work for let me go home early after picking up the kids from school early. I had multiple hours to be at home and finally get up decorations. When we moved into the house, we talked about that we could get a full-sized tree this year, since we'd only had a four foot one up to this point. I figured that one more year with Shorty would be fine and we could get one on clearance after Christmas and save some money.
Due to Jack's love of chewing things up, I put the tree up on a short table last year. (Two years ago, he had chewed up an ornament Jon's mom made with flowers from our wedding. Yes, the glass, flowers, and everything.) I did the same thing this year...

I know some people like to have a color theme or whatever to their tree, but I like colored lights with the cornucopia of random ornaments from my whole life.

It's so pretty with the lights off!

When I moved out after college, my mom was gracious enough to let me take all of the ornaments from my childhood with me. Over the next week or so, I want to feature a few of them and tell their adorable stories. Here's number one:

When I was six years old, I got a letter in the mail one day from Santa! He had sent me this small brass reindeer ornament and told me that he wanted to be able to see it on the tree when he came to see us on Christmas Eve. Every year, the reindeer was hung on the side of the tree facing the chimney, so he could see it! When I moved into my own place after college and got Shorty the Tree, the reindeer was still hung facing my chimney. When we got married and were living in an apartment without a fireplace, the reindeer was hung facing the front door, because, of course, that's Santa's only way in. A few days after we moved into the house this year, I was a little sad to realize that there wasn't a fireplace. (Yeah, I was slow.) So the reindeer ornament is still facing the front door, so that Santa can see him when he comes to visit. The End.


  1. That's so sweet!!! I have a color theme with white lights mainly because I like knowing that if I ever get home for Christmas again my ornaments will always be on the tree there bringing back a flood of memories since we moved so much growing up. It will make any house feel like home at Christmas. :) But, the color theme will go bye bye at my house when Gabriel is big enough to make his own ornaments. lol

  2. That's a cute ornament story. At my house we have colored lights and a whole bunch of random ornaments. Our dogs don't try to play with the ornaments, but they do rn by the tree and knock them down. We also had to teach them not to take any of our nativity scene or village pieces to play with. Luckily they don't take them they just knock them down.

  3. Yeah I'm so stealing your Christmas reindeer ornament see Santa thing for Leelah- hope you don't mind! I'll change it up a little. Is that creepy that I'm stealing a memory to build one for my daughter?

  4. By the way that tree IS gorgeous with the lights on and off!

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