Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Caution: Bridges May Ice In Cold Weather

Neither of us had to work today because all of the schools in the area were closed! Yay! But I had my 28 week appointment at the doctor. Jon offered to drive me since it was icy out and the roads were dangerous. We went to the appointment, then went to Target and by the library (which was closed because of the weather.) We were on our way back home and driving down I-30. There were small patches of ice along the way, but nothing major except along the edges of the bridges where nobody drove.
Well, our left tires got on some of that ice on one of those bridges and we started to swerve. Jon tried to get out of the swerve, but we hit the retaining wall, which sent us spinning. We then spun back into the road, hitting the side of an 18-wheeler, which sent us spinning again, and the guy behind us hit us. Somehow with all of this spinning and hitting, we were only damaged on the front end.
My head hurt for a little while because I grabbed that handle up over my window and hit my head on my thumb joint - you know, that hard one where your thumb connects to your hand. Jon got a burn on his right thumb from the airbag. It's still bothering him pretty badly and he's treating it with cold packs, tylenol, and aloe. I called my doctor to see if I needed to come in since I hadn't had any trauma to the belly. (Neither of us even hit the airbags - guess the seatbelts worked!) The doctor said that as long as I was still feeling the baby move (which I am) and wasn't experiencing any severe cramping or bleeding (which I'm not), I was alright.
God really protected us and we came out really well in several different areas. Everyone was driving slowly because of the ice and the traffic was really spaced out so there wasn't a chain reaction or anything. We didn't get a ticket for the accident, I'm guessing because it was caused by ice. We already got the reimbursement check for the towing ($245!!!) and the insurance said that our insurance should only go up around $40 per 6 months because of the cancelation of the Good Driver Discount or whatever it's called.
My camera batteries were almost completely dead, so I just got a short video of the front of the car. (For some reason, it takes less battery power to make a video than take a picture.) Here it is:

Simply amazing that was all the damage.


  1. Praise God you, Jon, and the baby are doing well! Ben and I had a car accident when we were 7 months pregnant with Darby...scary! We will keep praying that all goes well.

  2. Thank you God for your safety during the accident! We will be praying for your quick recovery from the minor burn & headache. Thinking of you guys...

  3. Thank God you are okay!!! Man So sorry you all had to go through that and through the annoyance of getting a car fixed. I am so thankful that it wasn't worse though. Thank you Jesus!

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