Tonight was kind of a weird surreal night of reality tv. A bunch of strange things seemed to go on. I watched American Idol top 5 performance show, then Dancing With the Stars top 6 results show. Here are my observations:
American Idol:
1. I miss Carly.
2. How drunk was Paula tonight? Thinking Jason had sung two songs after just one? This is how she looked at that particular moment. And here is the story and video of the blessed event on the Entertainment Weekly website.(I happened to be watching tv with my camera tonight.)3. Ah, Jason. So mellow. I like his eyes a lot. He's not the best on the show, but I still like him. Something I hate however is that group of creeps who insist on swaying their arms back and forth during every song, no matter how fast or slow. A-like-so:
I frequently want to chop their arms off. Especially when they are between me and the performer. They don't have any rhythm. They're annoying. They're distracting. That group should be eliminated completely. I even saw an interview somewhere with Simon saying he hates the mosh pit too. Hopefully they won't be back next year.
4. Now that my precious Carly is gone, I love David Cook the most. He should win. His voice is so great.
5. I was nervous both times Brooke got up there after last week's debacle. Luckily, she did alright. That first song was ridiculous though. I agree with whoever said that it just makes me think of the horribleness that is Shrek. I think it was these guys. (If you have time, you should watch their videos. So funny!)
6. David Archuleta makes me want to throw up. I'm sick of him. He's good. Whatever. I'm tired of his boringness.
7. Syesha just keeps getting better. I loved her at the beginning, then she started to not do as well, but she's back!
8. My final three would be David Cook, Jason, and Syesha. Goodness knows that will never happen though. Unfortunately, I, along with the rest of the universe, am predicting an all-David top two.
9. My rankings. Your problem:
(Carly), David Cook, (Michael), Jason/Syesha, David A., Brooke
It makes me really sad to put Brooke there, but I think it's her time to go. She's done well, but she just looks like she's going to pass out the whole time she's singing.
10. The whole don't-comment-after-songs and cram-ten-songs-into-an-hour business made for a very awkward episode.
11. Why does it have to run several minutes over time every single week?
Dancing With The Stars:
1. I was forced to watch this show live this week since Big Brother is now over. I enjoy taping it and watching the whole show in about 15 minutes. Live is excruciating.
2. Samantha looked like she stepped out into 100% humidity right before the show tonight. My camera couldn't quite capture her hair's full glory.3. Def Leppard? Probably 100 years old. Good music. Really old guys.
4. Christian is having arm surgery and is continuing on the show? He should have just quit and let him be the person out for the week, letting everyone else continue. Jon said injuries like that put football players out the rest of the season.
5. Speaking of football players, I love Jason and Edyta. I'd like for them to win.
6. The Kenny, Jerry, and Len commentary thing was a lot funnier last season, but it was still pretty good.
7. I was sad to see Shannon and Derek go. I liked her because she was trying so hard. She really wanted it. Plus they were really cute together.
8. I'm dreading this 100th Episode business next week. I think I'll definitely be recording it and watching it in the fast forward.
Who do you like on AI and DWTS?
Posted in: American Idol, tv shows on Tuesday, April 29, 2008 at at 11:03 PM
Another of Paula's drunken moments - at the end she called Syeshia "Brooke". What was going on? Very strange. I like in this order David Cook, David A., Syeshia, Jason & Brooke. I mean Jason & Brooke are likeable, but that's not reason enough to keep them around over more talented people, IMO.
I haven't been able to comment on your reality show craze because I don't watch any of the same shows you did, except for Dancing!
The kids like Dancing, as Colby calls it. They dance along to the music and clap when everyone's done.
I loved this post! I was thinking alot of the same things last night while watching American Idol! I'm a (in order) David C., David A., Brooke, Syeshia, Jason fan. I think Micheal Johns should have been in the top running with David C. Those pictures of Paula acting crazy are all over the internet now!
I love Jason, but I really want a girl to win DWTS this year. Too bad Kristy is so good...cuz she probably won't win. :)
Tell T-Wave that I pray for him. And you.