Catching Up
Oops. It's been since January 23rd that I've posted about American Idol. Writing down everything that happened just wore me out, so I'm going to do this last audition post differently. Here is a list of the people I really liked from all of the auditions that I hope do well in Hollywood and a little description to help you remember them. Look for exclamation points at the end of people I really really like.
Junot Joiner - His mom took off her shoes. :)
Angela Martin - Looks like she sang at weddings
Kristy Lee Cook - Cagefighter - this girl was A-mazing!!
Chris Watson - I don't remember anything about him.
Brooke White - the nanny!
Alaina Whitaker - I don't remember anything about her.
Kady Malloy - did impressions of Britney and Carrie
Drew Poppelreiter - the farmer kid - He was excellent!
Nina Shaw - sang Whitney, from Burleson
San Diego:
Perrie Cataldo - the single dad of the boy with long hair - Very good!
Michael Johns - the Australian guy - Very VERY good!
Carly Smithson - disqualified two years ago for being a foreigner :)
David Archuleta - his vocal cords had been paralyzed
Jeffrey Lampkin - came with his sister and wore a tie on his head
London Weidberg - stopped singing to take care of her sick dad - Wonderful!
Samantha Sidley - Ryan came in and judged her and she sang Norah Jones
David Cook - sang Living On a Prayer, sounds like Chris Daughtry - pretty good!
Leo Marlowe - homecoming "queen" - feminine guy
Brittany Wescott - 1/2 of the big girlfriends who came together, sang My Guy - good!
Ramiele Malubay - the tiny little Asian girl - She had a great voice!
Syesha Mercado - beautiful smile and big hair - sang Think and was great!
Alexandrea Lushington - great-grandma was there with her - She was excellent!
Asia'h Epp... - her dad had just died - she sounded like she was straining but could be very good
I didn't get the end of her name because THIS was on the screen the whole show:Etc. Auditions:
Cardin Lee McKinney - sang Dreamgirls - Simon didn't like her but I did
JoAnne Borgella - sang at Madison Square Garden - I liked her!
Chikezie Eze - has audtioned before
Danny Noriega - kind of feminine, but smooth good voice
And to wrap it up, one of the funnier things from this year's auditions:
1. Apparently the Holy Spirit's name is also Ashley
2. Her voice is more maturing.
3. Her vocal lessons have taught her some amazing skillz in making her scales sound like an ambulance siren.
Coming this week... My favorite: Hollywood week! Bring on the good stuff, baby!
Posted in: American Idol, tv shows, video on Sunday, February 10, 2008 at at 9:32 PM
I love watching American Idol...the auditions are almost as great as the real singing!