Monday, January 02, 2012

Fort Worth Christmas

I uploaded these while in Fort Worth, but totally forgot I hadn't posted them yet. So here's the other half of Christmas. The one in Fort Worth with my fam.

Christmas Eve in the old man pajamas that I love!

I could not possibly fit more in that stocking.

Checking out his loot. Those cute crayon books are like I Spy books and are still in the dollar section at Target if you're interested.

Bag o' Dinosaurs. No clue why I bought it.
Clearance after Halloween.

Showing Daddy his Sesame Street characters.
Clearance after Easter (?)

Watching the Disney Christmas parade with Granna

He loved it!

Doing one of the crayon books with Grandude.
And pointing with his foot. Of course.

My parents just got a new dining table (like three days before Christmas) and it's one of those tall ones. So my dad made this sweet platform for my grandmother so she could join us.

Story time with Uncle Jack
He was reading the original Yes, Virginia letter that
had been re-published in the paper that day.

Hanging out with Uncle Josh and Aunt Ashley

Very much enjoying his microphone... quickly given to him
first to keep him busy while the gifts were being passed out.

He remembered how to open gifts from Christmas #1.

My dad in his dorkopotamus (like hippopotamus)
earphones to protect his ears while shooting guns.

He LOVED his Dinosaur Train from Josh and Ashley

Getting a little help from Josh opening his annual box-o-books, a gift that I got from my mom every year growing up that I LOVED so am continuing the tradition.

Discussing his gift from Grammy with her... play food to go in the...

This things is SO cute and he l-o-v-e-s it!

First train set

My mom got Jon and I pillow pets.
This is their first of many showdowns.

Relaxing with Daddy after all the gifts were open.
On the A&M pillow pet, I might say.

Grinnin' with Granna

The fam.

Back in the old man pajamas Christmas night.

And Emily, as you are one of the few people I know that regularly looks at the blog, I'm sorry that you are the only one not included in this post. SORRY! You are still loved! :)

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