Monday, January 02, 2012

Christmas Part One

We had Christmas with Jon's family on the Thursday before Christmas, since we were heading out of town and so was his aunt.

Just a cute picture from that morning.

Holding the gift I made for Jon's mom.

Just a little hopping before dinner.

Like me growing up... the only one still at the
table when everyone else was done eating.

The girls were very excited to open their gift from us.

They got the same thing they got last year... costumes
that I bought at 90% off clearance after Halloween!

Jake didn't quite get "opening presents" at first.
We had to help him with the first few.

Then he got the hang of it.

He got a fun dinosaur that roars and opens
its mouth when you squeeze the tail.

Aunt Candice got him some super cute dinosaur
pajamas that came with this funny mask.

He loved his Dinosaur Train (tv show) search and find book.

The girls started putting on their costumes right away.
Right over their clothes.

The fortune teller/gypsy costume was actually an
adult one, but I knew it would still work and be super cute.

Opening his stocking.

Jake enjoyed the costumes too.

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