Friday, August 06, 2010

Party Time!

Last month our Sunday School class had a Birthday Party themed fellowship. It was pretty much for the kids.

First was the pinata. Jake's "third grandmother", Melissa, our class' director, insisted that Jake participate in everything. That was great, because then I could get pictures of course!

Caroline took some swings too.

Then there was pin the tail on the donkey. Jake won.

Then cupcake decorating!
What's going on here, Mama?

First you put on the icing.

Then you add the sprinkles!

Put on a candle of course!

Get excited...

And get ready to blow it out!

Then you eat it!

All of the kids went out in the hall to run around.
Noah joined Jake in some crawling.

Ethan thought it looked fun too.

Then, for about 10 seconds, all of the kids thought that
Jake's "Just Sitting There" idea was fantastic!

And at the end, he was very excited about his goody bag!

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