Friday, August 06, 2010

Fourth of... August?

Yeah, it's been a month since the fourth of July. We got that extension cord for the internet, but it's still too slow to upload pictures in a timely manner, so I brought them all to my LAST day of work at the nanny job to try to get some on here.

There was a VERY big flag hanging up at church.

We went out to the fireworks with the whole fam.
He has a little better grasp on that flag waving than last year.

Mimi gave Jake his first cotton candy.


Jake and Caroline look so much alike here.
Except for the tan factor.

Excited about the fireworks!

When are they starting??

Doing a little standing practice.

Yay! I'm standing!

Doing a little walking practice with Alyssa Kate.

It's hard to get a good picture of Mimi with all four kids.

The whole fam! And we're all coordinated!
By the way, this is way photoshopped. I took out some background people, moved someone's head from one picture to another, and took words off of shirts. Yay Photoshop!

Aunt Candice wanted Jake to try on Caroline's bow.

Yay! They started!

Oooooooo! Aaaaaaah!

I figured out the right setting on the camera!

Jack likes America too. But he stayed home.

The next day everyone was off of work, so we went to
Mimi and Pop's neighborhood pool to swim.

Hey Daddy! Where'd you come from?

Jake likes the fountains.

Ooooooh... splashy.

It's fun to stand in the pool.

Hey guys! Look at me!

Wes and Alyssa Kate jumped off of the diving boards.
Also, Wes is a vampire.

The true sign of a good time in the pool: wrinkly feet.

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