Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A Day at the River Market

Today Jake, D, and I went to the River Market with my friend Brandie and her son Nathan. What follows are a whole bunch of pictures that all look a whole lot alike, but were just too cute to not include them all.

Ready to go!

After eating lunch in a pavilioned area, we took Jake's second trolley ride. (His first was on Kris Allen Day.)

Stopping inside for a group potty break.

Aren't I cute?

Relaxing in the grassy area while the boys played in the dry side of the playground.

This is the life.

Yep I'm cool.

Then we moved over to the wet side of the playground.
You can see both boys in the background.

My foot and his torso are about the same size.

Playing air guitar.

Me and Brandie!

Snoozing in the shade.

Alot more kids showed up, but we just sat back and relaxed.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Nice to see you in a pic for once! :)

  2. Playing air guitar!! LOL Such a cool dude in his sunglasses.
