Tuesday, April 01, 2008

It's Been A While

I haven't talked about American Idol in weeks and weeks! It's about time I share my current rankings. They've stayed about the same the whole time. I know that my rankings are definitely not with a lot of yours, but let me know who you like. I'll listen and not be too judgmental.

1. Carly Smithson
2. David Cook
3. Michael Johns*
4. Brooke White*
5. Jason Castro* ^
6. David Archuleta**
7. Syesha Mercado
8. Ramiele Malubay
9. Kristy Lee Cook

*These three routinely rotate among these three spots, but they're always really close to each other in rankings. Some weeks are better than others for each of them. This was their ranking this particular week.

**Ok. The kid's good. He's just not my favorite. Or top 5 favorite.

^ Why I like Jason Castro even more:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm close with you on your picks for American Idol except for Carly :0)! I am really enjoying this season! Now that our Bible Study is over, we should have an American Idol night....!

    1. David Cook
    2. Michael Johns
    3. David Archuleta
    4. Brooke White
    5. Carly Smithson
    6. Jason Castro
    7. Syesha Mercado
    8. Ramiele Malubay
    9. Kristy Lee Cook

    Hope Jon is feeling better!
