Monday, March 31, 2008

Eight Days Late

Having been in the hospital with the husb since last Saturday night, I haven't been able to post these pictures yet. (He's still feeling pretty sick, by the way. Keep praying please.) We had Easter on Saturday evening (before all of the excitement started) at Jon's parents house. We ate the ham and Alyssa Kate hunted her eggs. Then we celebrated Jon's mom's birthday which was that Friday. Here are a few pictures.

Lots of eggs for one little girl

I adore her hair in a ponytail!

Scooter checking things out

Showing off what she found

Candice and Wes' dog Scooter - She's pretty cool.

Jon's dad shooting a foam egg at me - you can see it in the corner of the picture!

Playing with her Easter bowling - just like Jesus played!

This one is blurry for some reason, but it's really funny. She and Pop were playing catch and he threw the bowling ball from the last picture at her. She closed her eyes and it landed in her hands. You can see it floating right by her hands.

Offering me one of her eggs

And finally... enjoying some of Mimi's birthday cake

1 comment:

  1. Alyssa Kate is such a cutie! I can tell you are a proud aunt. Funny that your post was titled 8 days late. I jumped to conclusions since pregnancy is on my mind these days! So sorry to hear that Jon is still feeling sick. That has to be the most frustrating thing. We will keep praying for him.
