Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fun With The Cousins

Jake's cousins, Alyssa Kate and Caroline, just love him. Alyssa Kate has been excited about "Gake" since before he was born.

She had been talking about holding him for a long time.

She got to hold him TWICE at the hospital!

Alyssa Kate was excited to hold him in the Easter picture.

Caroline also loves Jake. She squeals every time she sees him. At VBS, she decided she wanted his sock.

And then wanted to put it back on.

I kept the girls once... about two months ago... and got this cute one of the three of them together. It was before Jake had mastered holding his head up. Obviously.

Alyssa Kate wanted one by herself with Jake too.

This was about a month ago. It's funny to see him grow in perspective with her.

And this was last week. He obviously looks way bigger because he's closer to the camera. I wish it hadn't come out fuzzy though.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet, sweet sweet! Love to see how all of them are growing up!
