Saturday, February 02, 2008

Very Very Odd

Some weird lapse in time and space happened tonight. Between 10:18 and 10:24pm I had a huge inflow of visitors (who almost all stayed for less than 5 seconds, except for good ol' The Netherlands who stuck around for 9 minutes!) from (listed in order of visitation, including repeats)... Germany, Guatemala, New York, Colorado, USA, Michigan, Australia, Florida, Florida, Massachussets, North Carolina, Michigan, USA, Pennsylvania, California, Tennessee, Argentina, Tennessee, Chile, Texas, Massachussets, California, USA, Alabama, The Netherlands, Mexico, Mexico, Canada, Canada, Louisiana, California, Canada, Mexico, Texas, Australia, Nebraska, Columbia, Texas, Dominican Republic, Madagascar, and Pennsylvania. All in 6 minutes. They all came from the Blogger website somewhere. That's just really really weird. Maybe my blog was listed on the front page for a few minutes or something.

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