Monday, April 10, 2006

New puppy pictures, in case you care

So! Cute!

In his favorite place: under the bed
Doing his favorite thing: chewing up something

Chillin' out.

Ashley's brother Josh with Jack and his dog, Jigga.
The cousins look so much alike!

Grandpa with both pups

We haven't had a dog since we were 7 and 4!


"Now tell me again why MY chew stick is in YOUR mouth?"

"I'm outta here!"

Grandma having fun with the granddogs.

The wicked dog of the west


  1. The photos are so cute! Jack really has a BIG personality. We cannot wait to meet him this weekend! Love, Grammie & Pop Sumners!

  2. yeah, so I thought these pictures were ridiculous until I remembered that this is exActly what we did with Cooper. ;-)

    So, Jack really is a cute dog. His name fits him well too. He's got such long legs for a rat terrier!

    Just wait til you are Real parents. Wonder what Jack will do then....? You know what they say, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull dog." Okay, that really doesn't apply here, I just thought I'd throw it in.

  3. i love the pic where jack is asleep, he's soooo cute!

  4. THIS IS FUNNY!!!! I like him.
