Friday, May 04, 2012

Jenna and Me

Ok. The blog is coming back. For real. I have like 8 posts already uploaded. So get ready. Four months of events are about to come at you like a whirlwind.
Also, forgive that ridiculously small header up top. I'm working on it. 
P.S. Blogger has TOTALLY changed their format since I've been gone, so give me a break on the appearance of posts until I understand it.

So Jenna. She's the greatest. We met in college when we randomly had 3 classes together in a row at A&M our Freshman year. This was us Junior year when we got our Aggie Rings. (We just had our Ten Year Aggie Ringiversary!)
(I can't get this picture to center.)

 This was the last time we had seen each other. 
It was four years ago. 
She only had two kids.
I had zero.

Over Christmas break though, we were both in the DFW area at the same time! Unbelievable. So Jake and I met her at her in-laws' house for a gather of the children. Yes, she has four precious adorable children now. Baby Karis was only about two weeks old, but they had come to town for the big kids to be in a wedding.

If we lived in the same town , Jake and Carlee would totally be boyfriend/girlfriend.

Stop looking at Kennedy! She's too old for you!

Sweet big sister.

And this was the first of many attempts to get a picture of us all.
Colby's my favorite in this picture.
Love you Jenna! Let's not let it be four years again!

1 comment:

  1. Love you too, shmo! :) Oh and my girls' hair is not always so fancy... that was from the curlers (for being flower girls in a wedding). It was a wild and wonderful weekend, for sure! Can't wait to hear about this new job of yours!
