Monday, November 07, 2011

September Happenings

Still trying to catch up. Here are things we did in September.

We had a Sunday School class fellowship and
there was a bounce house. That's pretty
much all you need to know.

Trying on Daddy's shoes.
You've got a long way to go, kid.
(Daddy wears size 15.)
Just watching a little tv.

Finally playing outside some when it wasn't 100 degrees.

Swinging on the swingset.

Trying out the Eric Carle animal matching
game from our Busy Bag Swap.

And doing the popsicle color match, also from the swap.

Yay! All matched!

This is how Jake eats turkey and cheese sandwiches.
Takes off the top bread, eats the
cheese, then eats the top bread.

Playing at the park with the cousins.

Cheesing after being caught playing after nap with
the diaper box from next to the crib in there with him.

Enjoying playing in the water.

Another terrible half-birthday cake.

He was very intrigued by the heat from the candles.

More naptime foolishness.

Picking up the neighbor's new puppy.

He was very excited about this puppy.

Playing with some sidewalk chalk.

He can finally fit onto the tricycle he got a long time ago!

Rolling trucks down the ramp with Granna.

And ready for bed!

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