Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pumpkin Patch II

Still trying to catch up... We went to a pumpkin patch with some friends from church.

Jake sipped on his first orange drink
while waiting for the pig races to start.

Go! Pigs! Go!

Having a snack with all the boys.

Having fun on the hay ride.
He was up front watching the tractor.

Riding the "Cow Train"
He talked about this thing for days and days.

Playing at the haystack.

Checking out the tunnel through the haystack.

Heading out to pick out a pumpkin.

I like this one!

Or maybe this one.

He spent about twenty minutes just sitting there
sorting pumpkins into big and small.
He started doing that all by himself.

Then an airplane went over.

Fun times at Pumpkin Patch Part II

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