Thursday, July 07, 2011

The Waterpark

We got season passes to the local waterpark this year, but didn't go for the first time until the week before last. We started out at the kiddie pool.

Jake was pretty reluctant to get in at first.

He gradually eased his way in.

But once he was in he started having a good time. Lately he's been laughing with his hands over his mouth sometimes. It's super cute.
Also, pardon the stranger lady's hiney in the picture.

He enjoyed sitting in the tiny tiny adirondack chair and splashing.

And he was finally big enough to go down the little slide.
(He didn't start walking until the very end of summer last year.)

And of course the splashing.

Catching a ride to the other side of the park.

They have one short slide that little people can ride with an adult.
The bottom of the tube has netting that holds them in.

First he rode with me.

Then Daddy.
You can see that he loved it!

We had to leave a little early though, because he slipped in the
wave pool and scraped his knees on the rough cement.
First scraped knees!

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