Friday, July 08, 2011


Me and Sarah. We've been BFFs for like forever. Her dad was the pastor of my church growing up.
Look at those two people! Nerds!

Then the nerds got wedding rings.
This was when she came by our apartment on the way back to college to tell me she was engaged!

She was in my wedding.

I was in her wedding.

The last time we saw each other was 4 years ago.
Look at those skinny non-baby having people.

Then she moved far away and I moved far away and we were never in Fort Worth at the same time. Until this time. We were both there for weddings!

So we all got together with all the boys.
Her Ben is almost two and Andrew was seven weeks!

Sweetness all over.

Jake and Ben played together.

And ended up playing over on the windowsill for some reason.

We're grown-ups!


  1. Awww, what fun memories. I miss pre-baby skinny me, lol. I do think we've improved with age . . .although, our glasses were pretty awesome in that first picture <3

    Love ya too BFF, hopefully we can get together again before the boys start college.

  2. Also, I love how we inadvertently match the color of our children's outfits. We're good.

  3. How sweet! Beautiful girls and handsome little guys. Enjoyed the time together with you all and your mamma too Ashley!
