Saturday, June 04, 2011

First "Swim" of the Year

It's HOT! Today we had a record high... 99 degrees. Whoa. I bought us an inflatable pool last week and decided today was the day we needed to pull it out. Thanks to our neighbor's air compressor, we were able to swim in this century. (The foot pump just wasn't doing it for us.) So after giving the 56 degree well water pool time to warm up all day (with a little help from several bucketfuls of hot water from inside) we got in this evening after nap.

"Mama, are you coming?"

Jake's swimming duds for the year. He has another swimsuit... that looks almost exactly alike. Oops. I forgot what I bought. All from consignment sales.

He kept saying "It's cold!"
It kinda was, despite the warming up strategies.

This is SO FUN!

You mean I can SPLASH in here?

I can't splash in the bathtub! This is hilarious!

Keep your balance!

Our pool toys were simple: A large cup...

...and these splash ball things I found at Target.

He definitely loved splashing.


And a little post-pool swinging to dry off before going inside.

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