Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday Morning

It was finally not freezing this morning! Jake's big first birthday party is coming up in a few weeks, and I've started working on some stuff. I wanted to go take some pictures of him for a little su'm su'm that's related to the party. (You'll see all finished products after the party.) Here are the outtakes of the photo shoot.

Look! Someone's walking by!

It's fun to kick the mud!

It's fun to play in the mud too!

Mama, why can't I play in the mud?

Look! Someone else is walking by!
After getting one good picture (and noticing that it looked like someone was waiting to use the field) we headed over to the park for a few minutes, until it started to rain.

He hasn't been on a swing at a park since I put him in one at his six month pictures. He LOVED it! He was laughing so hard and having a grand ol' time.

I always forget I have a black and white setting.

Swings are so fun!

He looks like he's in a bucket.

And then he rode in the police car.

1 comment:

  1. I like the pics for his party. I bet he'll have the best first birthday party ever, you're always so creative with that kind of stuff. Can't wait to see it.
