Sunday, October 04, 2009

Six Month Pictures

Yes. He's almost seven months. We did these at the park and in our living room.

Giant head.

In a cute cowboy hat that my aunt, uncle, and cousin gave him.


Hey! It's my name!

Ooooooo! Jake!

Hee-hee. Jake!

Hey ladies!

You say I'm cute? I know.

Yep. That's me!

Back at home.


Just loungin' around.

It's my name again!

Howdy, y'all.


1 comment:

  1. Well, it happened. The day wrapped up, and neither my blogging buddy or I did a thing blog-wise.

    So I used yours :)

    Love seeing Jake's pictures - and your captions!!! They're always so much fun.

    Cheers from the looney bin, NC branch -


    PS - Some day I'll write your mom again, but until I do, tell her hi!
