Thursday, October 15, 2009

Seven Months (and Three Days) Old

I took these Monday on his "birthday" but he's been sick all week, so I'm just now getting around to posting them.

Seven Months Old!

He's grown a little since last month (seen here).
When we went to his six month appointment, he'd only gained 5 ounces since his four month appointment, so the doctor said to start feeding him a lot more. We had to give him formula in addition to his momma milk, and we started solid foods. He gained almost two pounds when we went back for his sick baby visit on Tuesday. Fatty. He's now up to a "whopping" 15 pounds 8 ounces. Finally past double birth weight! Yay Jake!

What a cute seven month old.

He was sick when I took these.
I love the tiny tear squeezing out of his right eye.

He was a little lethargic.

New and old things:

We've started trying a sippy cup.
He's wearing a windsuit because it's for the Cowboys and it's kind of small so I wanted him to wear it before he outgrew it even more. Plus the Cowboys were on tv.

He loves the Exersaucer. He'll stay in it an hour or more if we let him.

He's started sucking in his bottom lip. It's really funny and cute.

The same thing again.

He loves this book that I found at a consignment sale.
His favorite is the first page. It crinkles.

This picture is to deceive you.
He does not roll over yet. He can go from his belly to his back, but still shows no interest in the other way. Now that he's a little bigger and stronger though, it should be happening soon.

He's just generally a very happy guy. And no teeth.

In case you were wondering, he is feeling better. The fever and diarrhea of a few days ago is gone, and now he's just a little stuffy in the nasal area.


  1. he really looks a lot like you!

  2. Ashley, If he can roll from his belly to his back, that counts as rolling over. It is just one direction either from belly to back or back to belly. Sometimes it can take a while for them to roll the opposite from what they started. Jake looks really good.

  3. I love that shirt that says "I am 1/2"!
