Thursday, October 01, 2009

Kisses From Jake

Every time Jake takes a bath, we finish off by checking ourselves out in the mirror. He's been smiling at himself for ages, but I think he's finally realizing that's him in the mirror.

For the past few weeks, whenever we're looking in the mirror with our faces by each other, he'll turn and give me "kisses" on the cheek. We give kisses back and forth for a few minutes. It's really sweet.

Sometimes his kisses are ferocious.
(Close-up by my mom.)

He'll put his hand on one cheek and kiss me on the other.

The best thing happened tonight though. We were sitting at the computer talking to my mom on webcam and Jake reached up with his hand and grabbed my cheek and pulled my face toward him and kissed me. All on his own! I hadn't even kissed him. It was the greatest thing ever. He kept doing it all night anytime our heads were by each other. I love that guy so much!

1 comment:

  1. KISSY BOO BOO!!! Great story. Isn't the daily heart-melting wonderful. Thanks for sharing!
