Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jake's Weekend

Jake was busy from Friday through today...

He started out beating up C-man on Friday morning.

Then while the boys were at tennis camp we went to the eye doctor and he got his eyes dilated. (Everything was ok. We were just worried about a wandering eye.)

Friday he made his first appearance on Wii in a music video the boys made.

Then on Friday afternoon, he found his toes for the first time!

On Saturday evening we went out for a picnic at the Riverfront Park with our Sunday School class.

He practiced his new skill.

Today after church, he watched some golf with Pop.

And this afternoon he quickly transferred his skillz from his toes to his toys.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like that you describe your location in the videos and explained Jake's pantslessness.

  3. I love the thumb sucking! He is so sweet and that smile....well, just makes me melt!

  4. Love your videos! Jake is really starting to do new things. That's neat and exciting to watch. :) Funny to watch their little minds at work!
