Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Three Month Pictures

As I mentioned the other day, I decided to take Jake's three month pictures myself. It was very hot on Saturday so I didn't get very many good pictures. It was too bright and he didn't want to keep his eyes open. Here are the other good ones I got (other than the two I posted last time.)

This is what he does all of the time now. Eat his hand and grab things.
After this I quit and came back Sunday when it was slightly cooler and cloudy.

"Really? You expect me to cooperate in this heat?"

Once he gave me the George W. Bush look, we headed inside for the rest of the pictures.
I changed him into a cute baseball get-up for the next set.

This one was cute in black and white and color. I like the two unique faces he made.

"Are we done yet?"

These next three are my favorites. I've talked about the website ArtsCow before. I got an e-mail today from them saying I could get as many 4x4 canvas prints as I wanted for $4 each! So I picked these three pictures and worked with them a little to get them to go well together. I'm excited to see them. In a month. When they show up. From Hong Kong.


  1. Those are great pictures! He is such a cutie!

  2. Awesome pictures! Love the tongue sticking out at you mocking you! My favorite.

  3. It's a tie for my favorite, he's equally quote in both the George Bush pic and when he's sticking his tongue out at you. Happy 3 months!

  4. Don't know why I typed "quote" - cute would be the word I was going for!

  5. Those are so good. I like the ones in the baseball outfit. He has some very dramatic facial expressions already! Yes, artscow is great as long as you're not in a hurry.
