Sunday, April 12, 2009

One Month Old!

Jake's already a month old today! Happy Easter! Here are today's pictures with Snoopy. Not a whole lot of change since two weeks ago. He gained 12 ounces this week, after not gaining any weight the week before. We turned up the eating volume and he turned out the ounces in response.
So Jake was pretty active when taking these pictures.

I got a good first picture.

And second picture. But then he started to take off...

So I put him back where he was supposed to be:

But then he took off again...

So stinkin' hilarious!

He's in his Easter outfit, but I'll post more Easter pictures later.


  1. That is too funny! He is a strong little man!

  2. I think that Snoopy is the culprit behind Jake's "taking off"! Jealous maybe?

  3. Love the snoppy pictures with Jake! He has grown so much already!
