Friday, December 12, 2008

Thanks Mom!!!

Yay! Whoop! I have a new computer! Over the past year or so, my old computer had been sporadically shutting down and restarting in the middle of me doing things. It was really annoying. Right before we moved, I got all of the files off of the computer and put them on an external hard drive. Good thing, because when I plugged in the computer at the house, it worked for about 20 minutes then shut down and basically wouldn't turn back on. My mom felt really bad for me and really wanted me to have a new computer. So, after discussing it with my dad, they decided to use some of my grandmother's money to buy me a new one! Here are some pictures.

Before: All of the cables and cords behind the desk. Yikes!

The new computer (and printer!) came in two separate shipments. Those geniuses at HP shipped the printer in that box AND didn't require a signature, so just left it on the porch.
"Hmmm... wonder what's in that box FedEx just left at that house," thought the thief.

Pretty much hilarious cartoon warnings that were on the bag that the computer was in.

Thanks, HP!

After: Much better, even though it doesn't look like it. The mouse, keyboard, printer, and internet are all wireless. Most of those cords that are left are the modem/router and the tv/vcr.

Left: Oldie Right: Newbie!

My old printer/scanner/copier wasn't very good either. The scanner never really worked well, so my mom decided to include that in the order. It's wireless, so Jon can print stuff from his laptop. From the living room. Awesome.


  1. Awesome! I have been missing your witty updates...I assume this will now solve that problem for me :)

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