Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yeah, We're In A House

Again... I'm still alive. My computer just still isn't. I haven't had the energy and/or time until tonight to sit down and post from Jon's laptop. It takes a LOT longer to put pictures and stuff on here. But I've done it! So, we found a house and bought it. Here's the story in pictures...

After signing 47,000 papers, we closed on September 19th and got the keys!

And moved in on September 20th. (This was actually the 21st, but you get the point.) When we got to the house on Saturday, I was sad to see that there was no SOLD sign in the front yard. Jon said something to our realtor on Sunday at church and after we got home, up he pulled in his little car with his SOLD sign to take our picture with it. What a great guy, that Jason James with Truman Ball Realtors!
(No, he didn't pay me to say that.)

So, people keep asking about pictures of the house. You won't see any until I'm finished unpacking and decorating (i.e. quite a while.) But here are the pictures I took the morning we moved in!
This is the view of the living room/dining area from the front door.

The dining area/kitchen from the door to the garage.

Kitchen... before our refrigerator showed up shortly after this.
Our bedroom (It's bigger than it looks.)

The nursery of the previous and current residents. And yes, the purple wall and wallpaper border will be taken care of... before March. (There's also one other bedroom just like this one... minus the purple wall.)

The wall in my bathroom that will be taken care of... soon.

So, how's Jack doing? His bed wasn't in the house on the first night, so he claimed a new one.

And then combined his old bed, his new bed, and my blanket that he LOVES into one giant bed that took up half of the living room.

I think he will eventually love the backyard, but anytime we let him out, he almost immediately does this.

So how are the neighbors? After two weeks, I went outside one afternoon and found this on the porch. It was a box of cookies! Who does that?! People in movies?! So awesome. I've met two others and they seem nice too.

However our next door neighbors are a different story. We've been hearing 4-wheeler/motorcycle/something-or-another motors every afternoon for weeks. Today I decided to investigate. I looked over the fence and saw this:

Their entire backyard is a mud pit!

They made their own 4-wheeler track.

And are riding around on it every day. (I took these through the holes on the fence.)

This is ridiculous. And loud. What I didn't get a picture of is the thing he's driving past. It's a ramp they built out of... something.

And they're standing on the shed to watch each other.

Is this whole situation legal?


  1. Looks like a great house! Hopefully your neighbors will quite down as it gets cooler. New houses are alway exciting, you will discover new things for awhile, some you love and some not so much! Congratulations!

  2. i can't believe your next door neighboors!!!! what a horroble way to ruin their backyard and make everyone else's life miserable! i can not imagine them doing this while your baby is trying to take a nap! i hope this is not legal so you can complain about it!
    I like your new home and hope to see pics of the house after you do your decorating:)

  3. congrats! that's so awesome!

  4. Yay to moving in your house! I love it!! Oh my! I can't believe your neighbors! I wonder if they were the ones that left the goodies? Ha!!
