Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Going Into Shoe Retirement

Before 2004, I didn't wear flip flops. Shocking, I know. I hated the feeling of something between my toes. My BFF Erin and I were planning a trip to Los Angeles, though, and I wanted some comfortable walking shoes that weren't dorky, so I asked her what she recommended. She told me about the greatest flip flops known to mankind: Reefs. I bought them in several colors and started wearing them all of the time. Here they are making their premiere in LA:

In 2006 in Katy, TX, again with Erin. (Apparently I often wear them with that same shirt.)
FYI: This was the first time we'd seen those giant red balls outside of Target so we took pictures with them for several minutes.

Even the family I work for's weirdo cat loves them. She was wearing them one day when I was at their house!

I've worn those brown reefs nearly every day, 9 months a year for over 4 years now. I had noticed that they'd started to wear down. As seen below.

Just on the right shoe, just on the edge where my big toe is.

Apparently, I walk all kinds of weird with my right foot. If you go back and look at the first two pictures, you can see me doing it. No idea how I can walk like that. So when I went to Fort Worth a few weeks ago, my mom got me some new ones, since my big toe was about to hit the pavement when I was walking.
This is how it's SUPPOSED to look...

Aaaaah. Much better. Yay for another four years in brown Reefs!

The new one and the old one. I'll have to work on building my foot impression into the new one.


  1. I love flip-flops too! The one thing I don't like is breaking in the new pair. I have to do it every spring because my flip-flops don't last 4 years. My new fav. pair is my croc flops! (I have had for 2 years almost) Love them! Hope you get as much enjoyment out of your new pair as you did from the old ones!

  2. My reefs are the exact same way! I bought them at the beginning of the summer in 2003 and STILL wear them!! They have absolutely no detail on the bottom anymore...completely smooth. So I have to be careful when I walk around places like Walmart where the floors are shiny and slick. I love that you got the exact same ones as before.

  3. You know I've started making a switch to halfshoes from flip flops? I've got some sweet polka dot keds now. I'm all about the keeping a good thing going. I think you should buy another pair for the future and keep them in your bunker. For the future....

  4. It's always great to find a reliable, comfortable, and cute pair of flip flops.

  5. Kathy is a huge fan of the flip flops and I've grown to love mine too. Reef's and Teva's are the best. You gotta get the good foot impression.--Dirk
