Friday, June 06, 2008

Showers and More Showers

Did I mention that everyone I know is pregnant? Twenty of them, to be specific. Eight of them are in our Sunday School. It's like a breeding ground for... breeding. Five of the twenty are due this month though, including my sister-in-law, Candice. We had a shower for her both last Friday and tonight.
Last Friday was a Diaper Dinner (mmmmm!) for the girls in our Sunday School class.

The simply adorable cake

The HUGE diaper cake made of 240 diapers!

The expectant mama: due June 27th

She scored a bunch of diapers.

Including these super cute ones wrapped in clothes by yours truly.

And this cute towel made by a girl in our Sunday School class (one of the pregnant ones!)

Tonight we had a cook-out for all of the other people that Candice knows that aren't in our Sunday School class. We had it out at a park by the river.

Here is my very favorite father-in-law playing with Alisa's camera, which is just like mine. And there's Alisa!

The super-cute miniature diaper cake centerpieces made by Melissa.

I got this picture of Jon and his dad. They look a lot alike.

Mmmmmmm... meat.

Daniel called me a Camera Nerd after the previous picture. So I took his picture.
It's very Zoolander.

And of course, I made the cupcakes. Yellow cake with chocolate icing, requested by Candice.

Alyssa Kate is thinking "What in the world is wrong with this kid?"
Greyson's just loving his cupcake.

Although she didn't do much better.

The hostesses and the mama. (I've been outside a lot recently.)

I'm headed to a wedding in Texarkana tomorrow. (I know three people getting married tomorrow!) After the wedding, I'm continuing west on I-30 to Fort Worth to see the fam until Wednesday. When I come back I will be posting something I haven't done in a while and something I haven't done in forever! Funny things and kid quotes. Get excited!


  1. This would explain where you were on Sunday. I saw Jon and wondered if you were sick or what (there were a lot of people in our class, so I didn't actually have the opportunity to TALK to Jon). Anyway, safe travels! Hope you're having fun!

  2. So, you can give a shout out to yourself for wrapping the diapers so cute and to the person who made the mini diaper cake centerpieces, but nothing about who made the HUGE one for Candice's shower?! COME ON!!!! ;) Just kidding; you know I love you.
