Tuesday, June 03, 2008

An Amazing Conversation

{Scene: Ashley is about to leave the boss family's house for the day and the boss mom is reading off all of the scheduled events for the summer.}

Boss Mom: ...and we're going to Hawaii the last week in July.
Ashley: Everyone or just you two?
Boss Mom: Do you mean YOU?
Ashley: No, I was just wondering if the kids were...
Boss Dad: Hey! That's a good idea!
Ashley: Free Smiley Face Courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.org
Boss Mom: Would you like to go to Hawaii?
Ashley: I would LOVE to go to Hawaii!
Boss Dad: I meant it was a good idea for us to go alone without the kids.
Boss Mom: But it would be like we were alone if Ashley went with us and watched the kids.

{End Scene}

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