Sunday, April 27, 2008

Ryan vs. Adam

The show that I am most embarrassed to say that I love is Big Brother. I have watched all nine seasons and still love it as much as the first season. (Well, actually more than the first season, because that one was really boring.) I've been meaning to post something about this pretty much since the first episode of the season. The finale is tomorrow night and the person I want to mention is still on there.
Adam ("Crazy Eyes") makes these strange faces basically all of the time. When he's mad. When he's happy. When he's talking with someone else in the house. When he's talking to the camera. All of the time. From the first episode, I have thought that he looks exactly like Biff on Back to the Future...

Yes? No? Definitely yes. (Took a while to get a screenshot of both where they're making the same face.)
Although my favorite houseguests have gradually been voted off (Natalie, then Sharon), I have liked Ryan pretty much the whole time (except for the time he stole that money from Sheila during that one game) and hope that he wins. Who do you like?

And on a just barely related note, here's a really funny (clean) video of Tom Wilson, the guy who played Biff, doing a song about his role in Back to the Future during his stand up act:

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