Monday, January 14, 2008

The Weekend in Summary

I dropped off D at his dad's office at 11:30 Friday morning. This is how awesome the sky looked.

I left for Fort Worth and made a stop in Texarkana to see my good friend Heidi from the school I taught at there. She's 9 months pregnant and was out on the field coaching her varsity softball team at the high school. It was pretty funny and impressive.

I then stopped by my old school to say hi. I've never been more happy to be out of there. The Principal From Hades is making EVERYONE's lives miserable now. Like she did mine for the two years I was there. I feel so sorry for them, but I'm so glad I'm gone. While I was there though, I saw this rug based on my design I had made while I was there. Pretty cool. (That was the Super Awesome Secretary who did that, not the PFH.)

I continued on to Fort Worth and saw this awesome sunset.

The clouds were really cool.

Saturday was Grandad's funeral. This is a picture of me with him and my grandmother last Christmas. He looks thrilled. :)

If you wonder what he was like, I caught him in the background of a picture later that afternoon showing a bit of his personality: wondering when he gets to go home. :)

That night my brother's dog got all cozy up in my legs.

Sunday afternoon I drove back to Little Rock. I got these two pictures of the progress of the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium in Arlington. It's coming along. And huge!

Then there was a really pretty sunset while driving back too.

And what's a trip without a funny thing. This was an ad on the back of the bathroom door at a truck stop. I really like the Indiana Jones hat, but I think the disclaimer at the bottom was written directly to me. My only question is, though, that if they are not responsible, who is?

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