Sunday, January 06, 2008

Look at the Back of These Cars!

Possibly the sound that was heard when whatever happened to his back window happened?

Any guesses?
UPDATE: Ok. I didn't read the license plate holder. I get it.
It's "curves for women". Sort of.

Hilarious! Look at the white sticker on the window. Then look at the blue sticker on the bumper.

Biggest things ever on a bumper.

Again... any guesses?

That's pretty cool.

You what now?

While sitting at a light I saw the cache-ing person on my right and this person on my left. It said "LIL TIP". Okey dokey.

I really had to play around with the colors and things on photoshop to remember what this said. I figured it out... "Got rhinoceros?"

I like snoopy too. But not enough to put his name on my car.


  1. Curves for Women.

    PCB VU= something in French.

    Nicholas' brother had one that said "SKITTLE." I made fun of him relentlessly. In my mind.

    My computer works again!

  2. I'll guess that the "2nd" plate says CURVES 4 WOMEN b/c that is what "the" license "plate" holder thingy "says."

    "As" far as the I CACHE plate goes I feel that I need to explain to all those out "there" who may be interested. Geo-caching is a world wide hide-and-seek game started in the year 2000. It is played by entering in "latitude and longitude coordinates" into a handheld GPS reciever and then hunting for the specific cache. You can find out more at I'm such a nerd that I "found" 2 this morning and even have one that I hid.

    I used random quotation marks because it is the cool "thing" to do now I guess.--"Dirk"

  3. Yes it is awesome and weird at the all at once. To answer your question you can do the caches several ways. They vary between the size of pill bottles (some are smaller than that) to the size of 5 gallon buckets. In the smaller size there is only a log to sign and having the since of pride of finding the small container. Most are covered in camo (I just found one that looked like an electral box, and one that looked just like a smooth river stone). The bigger caches have prizes in them, toys to trade, and even items that have their own website to be tracked where people take them. Most of these have instructions on where they want to the trackable to go (i.e. all pro baseball stadiums, beaches, etc).

    Well it is offical I've told the world how big of a nerd that I am. The aforementioned website above has lots of info on it--Dirk the nerdy science teacher
