Tuesday, January 22, 2008

And Now... Some Words

I tried one of those Double Berry Smoothies at Sonic. Excellent. Raspberry + Strawberry + Yogurt = Delish.

The boys' Wii that their parents gave them for Christmas came in today. We picked it up after school and I set it up when we got to the house. We made our Miis and D and I started to play. He beat me. In both bowling and golf. He DESTROYED me in golf and just barely beat me in bowling. He's 4.

I went to play Bunko tonight with some girls from Sunday School. My partner and I won the first round and then I didn't win for the next 11 rounds. So I was a perpetual loser today. However, this loss resulted in the Loser Prize of a $10 Target gift card. Better than the prize of Shame in the Wii loss to a four year old.

I have a job for next year (as in August)! I will be Homeschooling D for his Kindergarten year of school. I'm very excited. They also said that if I happen to have a baby any time in that time period, I can just bring it with me to their house. Yay! My job is to now find out about homeschooling organizations in Little Rock.

I really want to know what chemical reaction is happening when every winter my Fightin' Texas Aggie Ring (from college) turns my hand black. It's solid gold and it only happens in cold weather. So weird and stupid.And finally... I surpassed 1,000 visitors on my blog since November 30th. Yes!

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