Friday, December 14, 2007

It Finally Paid Off!

My extreme love and knowledge of Christmas songs, that's what. More on that later, though.

I had a pretty crazy fun day. I took D with me to the Scholastic Warehouse Book Sale today where all of the books were half price. I got some pretty cute winter books and other first to second grade level books as well as a free dessert cookbook since I got $10 off of my $50.

Then D's dad called me and invited us to go to his office Christmas party. So we did that for 3 hours. Kinda weird. We had a huge amount of awesome food though and then watched them do white elephant gift exchange and give awards for the year's accomplishments. Lots of jokes that I didn't get.

Tonight we had our Sunday School Christmas party. It was crazy fun...

First, we decorated people up like reindeer:

Then we did the Christmas Singing Bee. They played parts of songs and then we wrote down the next lyrics after they stopped the music. I (and the lovely Kristen Nelson) totally dominated on this game. I LOVE Christmas music and listen to it as much as possible from Thanksgiving until Christmas. I also learn songs very quickly, so I pretty much know all of them. We both got 9 out of the 12 songs right. (I couldn't get Santa Baby because I couldn't remember which verse came next. I didn't get What Are You New Year's Eve because I've never heard it. I didn't get Merry Christmas Darling because I don't know it well.)

Then we did the dirty santa ornament exchange which was out of control.

Someone brought this crazy ugly bird thing. The person who got it wasn't so thrilled.

Then our director, sitting right by her, also got a crazy ugly bird thing. (They are both holding them in their right hands.)

Apparently this ornament is now a tradition of our class' ornament exchange. This guy, Nathan, gave it to someone last year, then they brought this year. Very funny.

This guy actually stole one of the birds because "it's the closest to a pet that she'll let me get."

Then we tried to take a class picture...

One time a camera fell off the pyramid of cameras on timers and everyone reacted. Also, Nathan picked that camera up and tried to catch everyone before the fallen camera went off.
Another time my camera's timer button didn't get pushed and it took it before everyone was ready.

We did get one good picture!

Jon got the very last number in the ornament exchange, so I had him pick this Santa bell for me.

And, finally to the subject of the blog... Because I co-won the Christmas Singing Bee, I got to pick the last ornament. There weren't many that I liked because I'm not a big fan of balls and that's what most people brought. So I got this silver snowflake.

And to end the day, we got home tonight and the thing I've now been waiting WEEKS to arrive finally came. I bought a brand new copy of the Christmas Classics DVD on Amazon (two weeks ago) under the used section for $7 cheaper than in stores. I thought it had been stolen off of our porch since that's where the mail guy leaves them if it won't fit in the mail box. But then it showed up. Yay! 7 movies plus a music CD!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, we are basically awesome when it comes to Christmas singing bees. No one was even close. Ha!
    The group shots are pretty funny. I think my favorite is the first one where everyone is cracking up. Good times! I'm glad you guys are part of our SS group!
