Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Baby Update - 12 Weeks

Ok, since I never went back and told the whole story...

June 27th morningtime: Took these little babies... say WHAT?!
June 27th afternoontime: Went to Barnes & Noble and bought Jon book
June 27th eveningtime: Gave Jon book (seen below) with picture (seen above) taped inside

June 28th: Coincidentally invited by Candice (Jon's sister) to come to their house for dinner along with Jon's parents... perfect timing!

Took this cake to tell them.

Also took this shirt for Alyssa Kate to tell them, but decided on the KABAM strategy of showing them the cookie cake rather than the "oh look at that!" strategy of the shirt.

July 4th weekend: Went to Fort Worth, you know, to see the fam because I have time off work and it's the fourth of July. Oh yeah, and we're having a baby. I gave my mom the picture-in-a-frame, my dad the ugliest Grandpa shirt ever as a joke, and my brother a homemade "Uncle Josh" shirt, which he loved.

A great picture of the cutest grandparents-to-be ever.

Here I am at 8 weeks aka 2 months aka BEFORE.
There's a great thing I found here that tells what size fruit or vegetable your baby is each week. I planned to take a picture with said fruit or vegetable each month, but 8 weeks was a kidney bean and all Jon's mom had was a can of them and I didn't want to waste them, so we went without it the first month.

Alright, something went berzerk in my eye in this picture, but here I am now at 12 weeks aka 3 months aka lime baby. I woke up last Tuesday morning, August 19th with a belly. For real. It wasn't there the night before, then suddenly it was. Ka-pow!

Limey baby.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Remember The Time I Had A Blog?

I'm alive! For the past about 6 weeks I've been feeling pretty sick every night and not really feeling up to sitting at the computer. I've been gradually feeling better, but then the Olympics happened. If you don't remember, I heart the Olympics! Every night for the past two weeks, I've come home from work and then watched 4-5 hours of the Olympics (depending on how late it went). Needless to say, I've been very tired for two weeks.
I've enjoyed the swimming, diving, and gymnastics the most. I am upset to say that, with only 24 hours left of the Olympics, that I haven't seen two my of favorite and most incomprehensible events: the long jump and the high jump. Both of those completely blow my mind. How do you propel your body that height and/or distance? Unbelievable. I hope it will show up sometime in the next two hours tonight or sometime tomorrow afternoon. It just amazes me.
At Christmas 2004, my mom (who buys me the Peanuts Hallmark ornaments every year) got me these adorable ornaments:

I obviously haven't had a reason to put them out. (I don't put very many non-Christmas ornaments on my tree... especially Olympics ones.) I was very excited to be able to use them as decorations during this time. I pulled them out of my Christmas box when packing it all up in January and put them in my desk to put out this August. They are on top of (and hanging from) our TV stand. Thanks mom!
Speaking of Olympics, I've been doing Olympics stuff with D this past two weeks. (Remember, I'm homeschooling him for Kindergarten... more on that later in the week.) On this page he colored the rings (his first experience with colored pencils) and was supposed to draw his favorite Olympic event. He LOVES the diving and has been watching it a lot. He did this completely adorable and awesome drawing:

Way to go, D!

Now that I'm feeling better, I have quite a few things to post about. I will hopefully be doing a baby update on Monday. (I work 1:30-9:15 tomorrow, so not tomorrow.) I'm already almost through with the torture known as the first trimester! Thanks for anyone who's still around. I promise I'll do better from now on!